By 9:25 we were seated in the truck with our driver Thimothee. The drive to Cerca Carvajal was a strenuous four hours without AC and with tons of windy roads. To get to Cerca we drove through Port Au Prince , Haiti's capital, which was full of people selling food/goods and Tap Tap busses (Haiti's "bus systems"). On the way to Cerca we had to travel past "Goat Mountain" where there is always at least one goat in sight.
Half way through our journey to Cerca we made a pit stop in Hinche, and then continued the last hour of our ride. Upon our arrival in Cerca we were welcomed by Father Keke and Clara, Morgan and I soon became the highlights of some young Haitians day. From when we arrived until supper the kids did not want us out of their sight.

After returning from our visit the evening calmed down and everyone hung out around the dinner table. The trip has been amazing so far and I can't wait to see what God has in store for the rest of our pilgrimage!
Meredith, thanks for sharing. I love the photos. It looks like you're having a good time.